Saturday, September 29, 2012

Reasons To Take Marketing Risks In Your Business

Marketing outside the box is a mix of skill and adventure, rewards and risks, and many times, failures before success. These real life stories give synergy and reasons to take marketing risks as market competition becomes tighter.

A marketer is keenly reminded that the very nature of taking risks and entering new markets or bringing a new product/service to an existing market, also means that there are no guarantees.

1) Let Passionate Cause Drive Creativity - Dhani Jones

It began with one NFL player, Dhani Jones, who had a dear friend who loved to wearing bow ties. After his friend was diagnosed with cancer, Jones was moved to begin wearing bow ties as a reminder and to offer support. He stuck with his brand of thoughtfulness regardless of the team heat he brushed off from the sidelines, determined to use that bow tie as a positive message. Ultimately, he change people's perception of him, the perception of players and of the NFL.

2) Have Fun With Marketing Creativity - Ralph Lauren

In 1967, Lauren began designing men's neckties, branding them under the name "Polo" and selling them at large department stores. From having a brain tumor removed in the 1980's to today's famous clothing brand and collection of rare automobiles, Lauren has never stopped being "out there" creative. From the Bronx and filled with market rejections, with no previous experience and no degree, Lauren knew he had to work twice as hard as others to achieve success.

3) Listen To Positive Free Thinkers - Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison was labeled dumb and scatterbrained by his early school teachers but he went on to become one of the world's genius inventors and founded General Electric; a remarkable company the world respects.

4) And Entrepreneural - Richard Branson

Best known for his adventurous spirit and outrageous business tactics. He dropped out of school at the age of 16 to start his first successful business venture; Student Magazine, bought his own 79-acre Caribbean island when he was just 24 and he was knighted in 1999. He is the billionaire founder of the Virgin brand of 360 companies and growing. Today his marketing risks have established the famous Virgin Atlantic Airways.

5) Unbridled Curiosity And Innovative Life Experience - Steve Jobs

Steven P. Jobs resigned as CEO of Apple as a peerless corporate leader who has created immense wealth for shareholders, and guided marketing teams through the design of hit products that are transforming entire industries, such as music and mobile communications. It has been repeatedly said that one can't engineer innovation, but you can increase the odds of it occurring. From his early days as an adopted child, his wide-ranging curiosity, continuous learning and love for taking risks gained him tremendous marketing clout.

Every day is a new opportunity for engaging a seasoned marketing consultant to better determine where and what risk taking adventures as best suited to open up new streams of retail revenues for your business. A willingmess to take a few well-chosen marketing risks can help gain on market competition.

Integral Media Marketing Consultants know when taking marketing risks makes sense. Advertising experts with client relationships spanning over 20 years and success assisting every client in reaching new ventures every year makes us marketing leaders. Call 952-470-5254 for your own free consultation.

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